76 +/- Acre Grassland Auction, Kingsbury Co., SD

De Smet N. Twp., Kingsbury Co., SD
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    Located from De Smet, 3 miles north on Hwy. 25, 1 mile west on 204th St, & ¼ mile north on 432nd Ave.

      Sold for $4,000 Per Acre or $304,000.00

    Auctioneer Notes

      This land auction presents an opportunity to purchase a grassland pasture farm that has lush grasses and a stock dam. The land offers nice grassland or recreational opportunities, and the new buyer will receive possession at closing. The sale will be held live at the farm, w/ online bidding available during the sale.

    Disclosure Statement
    FSA Map Aerial Map Brochure Plat Map Preliminary Title

      This inside laying 76 +/- acre grassland farm offers a smaller parcel that is well suited for livestock grazing or grassland haying, while also adding recreational elements or opportunities too. The land has a nice location just a mile east of Hwy. 25 and is within close proximity to De Smet. The farm is primarily made up of Marysland Loam, and per the FSA office has 9.08 cropland acres that were planted to corn in 2024, with the balance of the farm fenced in as native grass. The farm has a dugout and also established fences. The new buyer will receive possession at closing. Don’t miss this sale for a nice, smaller grassland farm and come prepared to buy!


      76 +/- Acres in the SE ¼ of Sec. 8, T-111-N, R-56-W, De Smet N Twp., Kingsbury Co., SD

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